
Guest Lecture – Steven Galvin

Judge, Jury, and Executioner !

On 16th January we were joined by Steven Galvin to give us a talk entitled “Judge, Jury, and Executioner !”. This talk touches on a number of aspects of competitive club photography, and discussed pitfalls and successful paths to improving images, as viewed by judges. This is a presentation he has developed which is split into two halves.

The first half presents the view from the photographer. It covers a number of topics starting with the fundamentals of photography. It then progresses with ideas to improve photographic technique, how to assess images as suitable for competition and how to avoid common pitfalls of competition entries.

The second half of the presentation is presented from the judge’s point of view. This covers what a judge should do and should not do, pitfalls judges might encounter and advice on how judges can be constructive rather than critical.

This was a very interesting presentation and was greatly enjoyed by the audience. Steven is a very confident speaker, and his talk was littered with personal anecdotes and interesting sidenotes. He displayed many of his own photographs, demonstrating both the positive and negative discussion points.

Steven Galvin starts his talk on judging photography competitions.
Steven Galvin starts his talk on judging photography competitions.
The introductory screen to the "Judge, Jury and Executioner!" presentation.
The introductory screen to the presentation

More information on Steven and his talks and activities at Steven Galvin, ARPS – Steven Galvin Photography